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Markdown notes

The Markdown design document is a simple syntax that can be used to stylize basic web based text. Using this syntax you can implement styling choices such as bold text, italicized text, strikethrough and a few other design choices. If you have ever replied to a post on a forum or used messaging apps on your phone you have more than likely already been exposed to using markdown for formatting .

Here are a few resources that demonstrate how you can use the markdown syntax to help format text that is published in a “.md” file

Below are examples of the basic Markdown syntax and their resulting reflection on a webpage

Header Formatting

“#” Followed by a space denotes the largest size for a header, you can add multiple “#” to make smaller headers

Example with “#”

Exampled with “##”

Example with “###”

Bold text formatting

Wrapping your text with two asterisks “text” will bold your text will be bold text


Italicized text formatting

Wrapping your text in a single asterisk “text” will give your text an italicized format
