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Text Editors and Navigating the Terminal

Text Editor: Software that allows you to edit basic text

Software examples

Notepad (windows)
Notes (OSX)

Integrated Development Environment (IDE): Software for building applications that combines common developer tools into a single graphical user interface (GUI). IDEs will typically integrate the following utilities

  • Source code editor
  • Debugger
  • Local build automation

Software examples

Visual Studio Code

After viewing the example software I am most impressed with Visual Studio Code and Atom. There is a lot of plugin integration for both of these applications that could definitely help speed up and streamline coding.

Terminal Navigation

Navigating the terminal allows you to explore files through a command line rather than a GUI. Below is a cheat sheet to help with common terminal navigation commands

cd [path]change your current directory to the specified one
cd ~go to your home folder
cd -go the the folder you were before
lslist the contents of the directory
ls -lhlist the contents of the directory in a human-­fri­endly format
cp [origin] [desti­nation]copies the given file wherever you want to
mv [origin] [desti­nation]moves or renames the given file
pwdget the current directory you’re in
mkdir [name]create a folder
mkdir -p [name]create a folder and all its parents, if needed