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Read: 03 Revisions and the Cloud


Version Control System (VCS)
Local VCS (LVCS)
Centralized VCS (CVCS)
Distributed VCS (DVCS)


Snapshot - creates save points when a repo change is committed
Committed - Data is securely stored in a local database
Modified - File has been changed but not committed to the database
Staged - Flagged a file’s changed version to be committed in the next snapshot
Cloning - Making a copy of an existing git repository from a particular server
Working Directory - Repo files reside here
Index - The area used for staging
Head - Points to the most recent commit

Git is a version control system that lets multiple developers work on the same code while maintaining a history of changes to your files.

GitHub is not git. It is essentially an area where “git’s” are consolidated

Notes on GIT:

What is Version Control? Version control allows you to re-visit various versions of a file or set of files. Think of this as a save point in a game that you can come back to. Version control also tracks who made what modifications and will help compare changes.

A LVCS is where one fileset or database is stored locally on your system.

A CVCS is stored remotely on one server and enables access by multiple developers. A CVCS will give the team a better shared understanding regarding any changes made to the files or database.

A DCVS, like the name implies, allows clients to create mirrored repositories to act as safeguards against catastrophic losses or crashes.

Git is a DVCS

Snapshots create save points when a repo change is committed

  • Work is done locally to remove the need of fetching information from a server

  • Changes are tracked for every commit

  • Difficult for data to be truly lost

Snapshot process example:

Add - git add / or git add .This adds files to be included in the snapshot
Commit - git commit -m “message to be added to commit”This will stage files and add a commit message
Push - git push origin mainThis pushes the staged snapshot to the repo

Setting up Git through the terminal

Verify that your information is correct when running the command

git config –list

This should return your GitHub username, email and some other information.

If you need help run the following command

git command –help

Setting up a Git Repository


Using terminal, paste in the desired repository URL

git clone

This will create a directory named after the title of your repository with a .git directory inside of it along with copies of all versions of that repo’s files.

You can add a space and a new directory name to have the cloned repo be established in the new directory

git clone newdirectory

Changes can be committed by clicking the GitHub extension on VSCode if you have the GitHub extension installed.