The above code could be used to animate a pure css “loading” element when combined with JavaScript.
CSS Transitions & Animations
What does a CSS transition allow the developer to do to an element?
transition-property: which properties to animate
transition-duration: how long the animation lasts
transition-timing-function: how the intermediate states are calculated
transition-delay: to start the animation after a certain amount of time
How does a CSS animation differ from a CSS transition?
CSS transitions are just a way to animate CSS properties between a starting state, and an end state. Like the transition property, animation is a shorthand property for several others:
name: the animation’s name
duration: how long the transition lasts
timing-function: how the intermediate states are calculated
delay: to start the animation after a certain amount of time
iteration-count: how many times the animation should be performed
direction: if the animation should be reversed or not
fill-mode: what styles are applied before the animation starts and after it ends
What are some benefits to using CSS transitions on websites?
They provide a dynamic and reactive user experience
How this topic fit in with your long-term goals?
I believe that implementing transitions and animations could go a long way into creating fun and interactive apps when used in combination with JavaScript.