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An Introduction to Node.js

What is node.js?

  • Node is a JavaScript runtime that we are able to execute on our computers through the web browser

In your own words, what is Chrome’s V8 JavaScript Engine?

  • The V8 JavaScript engine is the engine that enables the execution of JavaScript within chrome based web browsers

What does it mean that node is a JavaScript runtime?

  • A runtime environment describes the environment that your app is running in.

What is npm?

  • npm is an open source library that contains paths to thousands of packages. This can be thought of as a phone book that contains the direct line (install path) to pre-built app packages.

What version of node are you running on your machine?

node v18.4.0

What version of npm are you running on your machine?

npm 8.12.1

What command would you type to install a library/package called ‘jshint’?

  • npm install -g jshint (the -g is a modifier to install the package globally)

What is node used for?

  • node is used to run various build tools that are used through the development process of an app

6 Reasons for Pair Programming

What are the 6 reasons for pair programming?

  1. Greater efficiency

  2. Engaged collaboration

  3. Learning from fellow students

  4. Social skills

  5. Job interview readiness

  6. Work environment readiness

In your experience, which of these reasons have you found most beneficial?

  • I have found that I have benefited from paired programming the most with regard to learning from peers and engaging in collaboration. I feel that I am able to gain a better grasp of concepts if I am able to articulate how and why a certain concept works to another person.

How does pair programming work?

  • Paired programming can be done in a team of two individuals or more depending on the situation. One team member can be the driver (typing on their keyboard to write code) and the other team member is the navigator. The navigator is focused on the overall concept of design and is explicitly directing the driver as to what they should be coding.

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