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Readings: AWS: API, Dynamo and Lambda

AWS API Gateway Overview

  • What is Amazon API Gateway?
    • Amazon API Gateway is an AWS service for creating, publishing, maintaining, monitoring, and securing REST, HTTP, and WebSocket APIs at any scale.
  • Why is Amazon API Gateway an important part of the Serverless ecosystem?
    • The Amazon API Gateway enables the serverless functions to be tied to the API definitions
  • How does API Gateway integrate with other AWS services?
    • AWS Lambda: run Lambda functions to generate HTTP API responses.
    • AWS SNS: publish SNS notifications when an HTTP API endpoint is accessed.
    • Amazon Cognito: provide authentication and authorization for your HTTP APIs

AWS API Gateway

  • What are some benefits of using Amazon API Gateway?
    • Consistent performance at any scale, efficient deployment of APIs
  • What two API types might you choose from?
    • RESTful and Websocket

AWS DynamoDB Guide

  • What is DynamoDB?
    • This is a NoSQL database offered by AWS
  • Under what circumstances would you recommend DynamoDB over MongoDB?
    • If there is the expectation that the service requiring a database will scale exponentially or should be able to scale exponentially, DynamoDB offers enterprise level support and infrastructure that you can take advantage of.

AWS DynamoDB

  • Explain to a non-technical friend how DynamoDB works.
    • DynamoDB is a serverless database that is available for applications that need scalability and speed. Specifically, this DB provides read capabilities at speeds equaling to 1 response per second of highly accurate data. This can be increased to multiple responses per second of not as accurate data.


  • What is Dynamoose?
    • Dynamoose is a tool that can be used like mongoose for creating data but specific to DynamoDB
  • What are some key features of Dynamoose?
    • Support for multiple AWS regions, high level API, supports DynamoDB single table design