What exactly is “growth mindset”?
One definition of growth mindset reads
A belief that human capacities are not fixed but can be developed over time
Source NBCI
- In my words, growth mindset is the belief that all skills can be learned or improved upon with constant training or practice. This is the opposite of a fixed mindset where it is believed that all skills and talents are inherent to the individual and can not be gained unless you already are predisposed to succeed at that skill. My belief is that one should strive for greatness in their current endeavor but be mindful of personal limitations.
Self reminders to stay in a growth mindset
The first person to accomplish a goal did not have a path to success laid out in front of them
Learn from others, ask questions, identify what did or did not work
Be able to identify what your weaknesses are and find ways to either improve upon them or work around them